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Take a panoramic plane ride over the mysterious giant symbols in the coastal deserts of Southern Peru.

Where else in the world can you take to the skies and soar over the images of a giant monkey, flamingo, hummingbird, whale and a lizard intersected by the Pan-American highway? In what other context are an astronaut, dog and condor linked? These are just some of the many mysterious geoglyphs you will see on an aerial tour of the ancient Nazca Lines, scattered over the barren coastal deserts of Southern Peru. How they were created and what purpose they serve remains a mystery.

The Nazca lines cover a surface area of more than 500 square km. of desert between Palpa, Nazca and Pampa Colorada, and are an incredibly precise collection of figures and lines, created over centuries in pre-Inca times, for reasons as yet unexplained. Maria Reiche spent most of her life studying, protecting and clearing the lines, arriving at her theory of them representing an astronomical calendar. 


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9563 Postcard From Peru

Postcard from Peru

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